John Story Company LLC


     In 1945, John Story Sr. and John “Jack” Story Jr. formed the John Story Company real estate agency. After initially having an office in downtown Tulsa, they moved to the Brookside neighborhood. The family business was primarily involved with real estate sales, investments, management, and construction. In 1971, Jack Story was appointed by U.S. Senator John L. McClellan to work for the governors of Arkansas and Oklahoma to head up a joint effort promoting industrial development on the McClellan Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System. After the term of that appointment, Jack returned to private real estate practice, focusing on appraisals, brokerage, property management, and consulting.


    In 1977, John Story III entered the business on a full-time basis. One of his initial assignments was to assist in completing a study for the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers that inventoried land and buildings in Tulsa’s Mingo Creek floodplain. Since then, his real estate career has covered a broad spectrum of services to varied clients across Oklahoma.


    In 1979, Jack and John changed the company’s name to Story & Associates and focused primarily upon offering real estate appraisal and consulting services. From 1991-96, John served as one of the first Governor appointees to the newly formed Oklahoma Real Estate Appraisers Board. Jack rose up through the officer chairs of the National Association of Independent Fee Appraisers (NAIFA) to serve as its 1998 National President.


    Although John Story Sr. and Jack Story are deceased, John Story III continues the business today as John Story Company LLC, in association with Jesse W. Fyler. The Story family’s Oklahoma history dates back to before statehood, and we are thankful for the many opportunities that have resulted from living in the State of Oklahoma and the Tulsa metropolitan area. We encourage all of our fellow Oklahomans to work in cooperation toward achieving a great future for our state and local communities.